The birth of MahaDarshan

MahaDarshan started out as the big vision of a small seventh grader.  It has now grown to be my "great vision" to make a difference in this world! 

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Special Poem - Dedicated to the President of India


This is the poem I gave to President Abdul Kalam when I visited him in India. Hopefully one day, I will be able to fulfill my dream of implementing MahaDarshan in India. MahaDarshan is a program I am developing to develop leadership skills in children and that is what I met President Abdul Kalam about. (Visit for more information. It is my other blog). Anyways, this was the poem I gave to him.

Love from the Heart

Imagine the world a joy filled place
It will happen
Only through three people

Loving Mother, Witty Father, and Wise Guru

Mother helping you to encode
The enigmas of having a congenial soul

Father making you pure, yet keen
Through his love, wit and criticism

Guru bringing you into light from darkness
Or knowledge from ignorance
On how to respect life

All three through love and kindness
Will make people compassionate in the heart

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