The birth of MahaDarshan

MahaDarshan started out as the big vision of a small seventh grader.  It has now grown to be my "great vision" to make a difference in this world! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Actual Fourteen Points!!

Here are all fourteen of my points to leadership TOGETHER! I have scenarios for them but I never posted all of them as one and I hope this makes them more easily accessible. Hopefully, you will be able to apply these points to your own life and become a leader!

Honesty: Leading by being truthful and accepting personal responsibility

Optimism: Making good use of experience by bending, not breaking when something does not go as expected

Determination: Approaching challenges with tenacity and confidence

Looking Beyond: Thinking outside of the box

Judgment: Accurately anticipating repercussions after judging what needs to be done

Problem Solving: Acquiring what you need by overcoming obstacles to effectiveness

Courage: Relentlessly approaching challenges head-on

Being Concise: Giving clear directions in few words

Collaboration: Making sure the entire group shares the rewards as well as the responsibility

Stimulating: Encouraging and energizing others to follow goals defined by the leader

Assisting: Helping others with what they cannot reach by themselves

Fervor: When you approach and pursue objectives with an optimistic passion and motivating others to do similarly

Public Speaking: Being able to speak with enthusiasm and comprehension for any topic, with or without preparation

Organization: Keeping everything accessible at any point of time and being able to produce quality work

1 comment:

Manu Prakasam said...

Very good job. These are very helpful.