The birth of MahaDarshan

MahaDarshan started out as the big vision of a small seventh grader.  It has now grown to be my "great vision" to make a difference in this world! 

Monday, June 25, 2007


An important skill many of us should learn, especially those of us who aspire to be leaders, is scheduling. Many of us work hard, but to maximize our outputs, we should schedule. Scheduling gives us an idea of what needs to be finished during the day, so that we are not making sporadic decisions on what to do. By laying out our day and what work needs to be done, we will work smartly and you will see that your work seems to have more positive results. Moreover, you will get a sense of fulfillment at the end of the day, and your work will tire your less. When you do work hapazardly, it takes more effort causing you to tire you more easily. This results in you having less positive results and bewilderment as to why you are so tired for such little work.

Scheduling lays out our day for us, maintaining the delicate balance between work and play. Try it for yourself and good luck!!!

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