The birth of MahaDarshan

MahaDarshan started out as the big vision of a small seventh grader.  It has now grown to be my "great vision" to make a difference in this world! 

Thursday, May 14, 2009


How would you describe a diamond? 
I N C R E D I B L E ? 
What is a diamond? 
Though we consider it one of the most valuable gemstones on the planet, one that serves as a representation of love, engagement and marriage, it is simply a piece of carbon that has undergone conditions of extreme depth, pressure and temperature.

Why can't we be magnificent, sparkling diamonds?  All of us experience difficulties and hardships, facing situations where we are put under immense pressure and stress.  They push us down when we are at our lowest points and pull us down even when we work to stay on top.  Often times, this stress strips us of our self confidence and leaves us feeling down and horrible.  Majority believe that they are not good enough and that this hardship is simply another way of saying, "You're horrible!  Why do you even bother trying?"  Isn't that right?  NO!  Never, ever, feel that way.  If a carbon can allow pressure and scorching temperatures turn it into one of the most beautiful stones on the planet, why can't you allow tough times turn you into someone beautiful?  Believe in yourself and believe that what you go through only shapes you and molds you into someone with experience, someone deep and someone wonderful.  Summits are not to prevent you from moving forward but something for you to climb and stand atop with pride.

So, lesson of the day?  YOU CAN BE A DIAMOND!     

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