The birth of MahaDarshan

MahaDarshan started out as the big vision of a small seventh grader.  It has now grown to be my "great vision" to make a difference in this world! 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Quote to Share With You...

For those who consistently read my blog or have scrolled through the posts, quotes seem to be a recurring theme. At first look, a quote is simply a phrase, a sentence or "in other words" just a bunch of words. What's so special when we utilize words on a daily basis? Besides, the common refrain is that actions speak louder than words. Nevertheless, I derive many of my ideas from the quotes of others and have always been fascinated by the concept of embedding a deep meaning into a skillful sentence. I love being able to put together words in a way that makes people stop and think. The quote below is my own, so I hope it will make you stop and reflect a little on your life.

In the book of life, there is no editing; only writing.

I do not know a single person who does not wish there was a big red button that they could press to go back and change something from the past. However, that red button unfortunately does not exist. Thus, we need to learn to live life with no regrets and make sure to act in our better judgement. Only then can we write the best life story ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Powerful and thanks