The birth of MahaDarshan

MahaDarshan started out as the big vision of a small seventh grader.  It has now grown to be my "great vision" to make a difference in this world! 

Saturday, June 19, 2010

2nd Annual Yes2college Program - June 2010

The video collection....

This is the 2nd Annual Program I had organized to educate about college and my first after graduating from high school.

This year it was attended by over 80 people and I thought it was very well received.
I had selected the speakers with a wide range of interest and expertise and the feed back from the audience was very positive.

I enjoyed organizing this program and really feel that if I could make some of the children in the audience to dream big that is a job well accomplished for me! I hope to be back next year. My bigger dream is to take it to more centers than just Sacramento! Let me see what happens...

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