The birth of MahaDarshan

MahaDarshan started out as the big vision of a small seventh grader.  It has now grown to be my "great vision" to make a difference in this world! 

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Collaboration: Making sure everyone shares rewards as well as responsibility with the group


Your friends and you register for a toy-building competition together. After recieving the news that your registration was complete and that you were in the competition, you all go over to your house. Instead of working as a team, your friends languish on the couch watching television and you complete the plans for your "beyond belief" toy. Soon, your friends leave and your are left to build the toy. That does not stop you and within two days of hardwork, you complete it. When you bring it to show your friends, they are dazzled by how amazing it is and tell you that "their team's" toy is going to win first place. Sure enough, your team wins first place and your friends and you are presented with a $250 check. Your friends are quick to say that you should go to the mall and go shopping with the check. However, since you did all the work, you are a little reluctant to share the check. Your friends, on the other hand, get annoyed and threaten to not talk to you. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO?


A genuine leader would not have let this situation come THIS far. In the beginning itself, a leader would have "demanded" (in a polite, but firm tone) that everyone is responsible for the toy and everyone has a part in the the planning as well as building. Hence, there would be no arguement over the check. Just the fact that everyone shares it just as they did with the responsibility. A leader is someone who can collaborate with others and create a team as well as stand out from the group as the leader.

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